Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Another French Viaduct

Word-association these days has "French viaduct" = Millau.
I have to admit I haven't been there or done that yet.
Maybe I should, before terrorists, tempests or tremors affect it too badly.
Or rusting cables, more probably…

On the way back from Troyes, we paused at Chaumont, where they are very proud of their 152-year-old 3-level viaduct.
I don't know where it stands in the viaduct pecking order, but it is big enough to be impressive, solid enough to be reassuring & harmonious enough to be pleasing.
And open to the public, free.

Trains take the top level, maintenance workers the middle and anybody else can walk across the lowest level.
With very light guard rails which would not dissuade anybody who wanted to walk off the side, for whatever reason.

See it (& other bridges) on coordinated postcards & stamps:

Parting thot: "If you resolve to give up smoking, drinking and loving, you don't actually live longer; it just seems longer." - Clement Freud

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